Note for version 650:
This is a special version of FlexPDE that can read version 7 CodeMeter dongles.
Unfortunately we were not able to get the CodeMeter library linked statically as we typically do.
The required shared library (libwibucmlin64-4.so) has been included in this distribution, but it will need to be copied
into the /usr/lib directory in order for FlexPDE 6.50 to find it. Otherwise it will fail to run.
To install FlexPDE on Linux, you must decompress and un-tar the distribution file . Use the facilities of your operating system to accomplish this in the most convenient way.
Whether the installation is from CDROM or Internet download, your installation file will have a name like fpde600linux86_32.tar.gz
- The "600" might be replace by another number, such as "608". This is the version number of the release.
- "linux86_32" means this version is for Linux running on an Intel compatible
"X86" computer with 32-bit addressing. Be sure that the file you select identifies the correct hardware and operating system for your computer.
FlexPDE can be installed in any directory you choose.
Simply extract the tar file into a directory of your choice. The "flexpde6" executable will be ready to run. You can make a link on your desktop if you wish, using the file "fpde6logo82.png" included in the distribution.
- Installation in system folders may require administrator privileges.
- The example problems in the Samples and Backstrom_Books directories may need to be copied to writable directories before running them.
- Whenever the licensing model is changed, FlexPDE will write a record in the installation directory, This may require administrator privileges.
- Older versions required that
you set a link in /usr/local/flexpde6, using the command
ln -s <install directory> /usr/local/flexpde6
You can still do this if you wish.
We are not masters of the interoperability conditions for the various
implementations of "X86" Linux. You can help by
informing us of incompatibilities between versions.
Dongle Installation
Licensed use of FlexPDE6 Professional Version relies on a hardware license device, or dongle. Before the license dongle can be recognized on any computer, you must install the dongle driver. Several versions of the dongle installation program are included on the FlexPDE distribution CD, or you can navigate to http://www3.safenet-inc.com/support/hasp/enduser.aspx and download and install the appropriate driver. Once the dongle driver is installed, you can upgrade versions of FlexPDE without reinstalling the dongle driver.